#MondayBlues: Wither Thy Telecel, Dearth Of Leadership, RIP My Sim Card. – TechnoMag – TechnoMag

My heart bled at the death of pragmatic solutions to turn around what used  to be the fastest growing  and  most promising  mobile  network  in Zimbabwe.Since  Vimplecom pulled out of Telecel Zimbabwe, the company  has been on  a free fall and no one really seems to care!

Telecel  will soon become  another  National Railways  of Zimbabwe(NRZ),  another  Zisco steel,  another Cold Storage Commission (CSC),  mainly because there is  strong  appetite  to destroy  functional State owned  enterprises and those in charge do not just  care.

Board members  are still earning hefty allowances, management  still getting their packs and the shareholder still smoking the Cuban  cigar  while listening to the  Titanic band playing  their  harp as they  slowly  sink.

Employees  are  dumping the organization and the most desperate are  clinging on, striking, hoping the wheels  will turn.

Telecel lost  all its sharpest minds through  brain  drain  as the company struggled to pay its employees, but wait a minute, there is more, its even struggling to switch on base state stations and  can’t generate own revenue.

The situation  is so dire that one may be forgiven  to think that Telecel has no owners or shareholders, yet alas  they are there, they just  don’t give  a hoot.

Their focus is currently on destroying the small operational entities, milk and  loot  every functioning government state owned enterprises(SOE’s)  till they are down  on their knees, then move  on and find  more to destroy.

These are public enterprises  hence the shareholders account to the next  generation and need to be stopped before they destroy  all the SOE.

When the    government bought  Telecel  Zimbabwe  after a vigorous  fight from  potential suitors, we thought  they had a plan, its  only safe to think that  even the other  shareholder Empowerment Corporation (EC) must have  a heart to see  Telecel live.

The biggest problem  is capitalization and  brain  drain. management as well has failed to make the  sinking ship float,  but  its  only a matter of time.

At  what point in time will the shareholders  realize that its no longer valuable to maintain it as an asset, before they dispose  it to serious  telecommunication  players .
