Virtual Seminars by – Cigar Journal

Cigar is offering virtual seminars. The Cigar Lover’s Virtual Seminars is a gathering of the best in the field all around the common thread of consumer learning to maximize the cigar experience. Doesn’t knowledge make us love our fine cigars even more and make our hobby so much more interesting and intriguing?

The Cigar Lover’s Virtual Seminars will take place 20-23 April, 2020. During the event week, seminars will be available for free to all.  Register now to reserve your spot!

To sign up use this link

Guest speakers

Indiana Ortez: Blending
Learn how a master blender chooses the best leaves for a cigar

Jacob Grier: The politics of the anti-smoking movement
Learn about anti-tobacco movements’ weaknesses and contrast them with facts

Constantin Heitkamp: Sensory science for the cigar industry
Learn what sensory science is and why it’s important for you

Michael Cappellini: The fire-cured tobacco tradition
Learn all about the fire-cured tobacco that makes the peculiar taste of Toscano type cigars

Amaury Borges Miranda: Science or empirical knowledge for blending
Learn about blending and the application of science compared to empirical knowledge. Why is this interesting for cigar consumers?

Amaury Borges Miranda: Sensory analysis and Cuban cigars
Learn about how Cuban cigars are taste-tested

Claudio Sgroi: Where do the aromas in a lit cigar come from?
Learn about the origin of aromas, tastes and tactile perceptions in a lit cigar

Yamir Pellegrino and Miguel Macias: On gourmet pairings
Learn what is good and less good to pair with a cigar and why

Maya Selva: On cigar heritage
Learn about the heritage that makes premium cigars unique

Glynn Loope: Regulatory myths and truths
Learn about what claims are true or false in the current regulatory system

Franca Comparetto: On comparative tasting
Learn about different cigar flavor profiles by comparing two cigars 
